Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sailing on Octet: Ekka W.A.G.S

Stricken with flu, the regular crew couldn’t join Octet last Wednesday for W.A.G.S. (Wednesday Afternoon Gentlemen’s Sailing). With over 110 boats in the fleet it promised to be a busy start line but with little wind to fuel the potential chaos it was quite easy. Octet’s skipper, Peter Way, was pleased that we made it across the start line with only an 8 second delay.

An Irish couple, Grace and Kieran, joined the crew for the day and clearly had a great time. They arrived in Australia only 4 weeks ago with the intention of settling here permanently. They were a help on the winches but could not make up for the experience of Guin, Joe and of course Peter Weingott who were greatly missed.
A BBQ was planned at RQYS to finish off the day. A hoard of hungry sailors managed to devour everything other than a small salad and 1 bread roll which Peter Talbot managed to scrounge and delighted in eating in front of us!
Octet finished 51st in the fleet.
Thank you Peter for a great day. Speedy recovery to the sick crew members.

(Moments after this photograph was taken there was collision between two of the participating yachts. This is the tail end of the fleet just near the red channel marker, north east of Green Island).

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