Wednesday, November 28, 2007

WAGS…A Penultimate Word

I was delighted to accept an invitation to join WAGS (Wednesday Afternoon Gentlemen’s Sailing), crewing on ‘Octet’, a lovely Jeanneau owned by friends Guinny and Peter. It was suppose to blow 15-20 knots and didn’t, although it did get to 15 knots momentarily just before the starting line. Huey threatened rain all afternoon but fortunately the wet weather gear stayed nicely packed away. I was assigned the mainsail. Wow! Forget winching from the foredeck! At the push of a button the main is hoisted, from the cockpit, as fast or slow as you like. Similarly, the main sheet is controlled at the push of a button. Love it to bits! Had a great afternoon.
We move off Raven and home today. Truth is, I am the only moving as Peter went last Saturday, to hospital, with a recurrence of an old problem. He is recovering well and should be ready to go home any day.

Pictured: Octet

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