Sunday, November 4, 2007

Tin Can Bay: The Pelicans’ Puzzle

As usual Old Mother Pelican arrived at Barnacles Café just before 8:00am but today she had her two youngest pelicans with her and the little black cormorant tagged along. It was time for them to experience one of the great mysteries of the world. She encouraged the youngsters to stand to one side of Wal the Fisherman, near the head of the queue, and watch as he gave a freshly caught herring to each of humans who stood obediently in line.

“What are they doing Mum? It looks yummy” the youngest Pelican whispered.
“Wal is giving the humans fresh fish for Mystique and Patches” she replied in a hushed voice that conveyed both disgust and awe.
“But why Mum?” he asked a little louder.
“Well son, Mystique and Patches and other dolphins from their pod have special powers and can get humans to arrive at this place every day at the same time and give them breakfast” she answered wondering if it had actually been a good idea to bring the youngsters with her.
“You mean those silly old dolphins that live down the end of Snapper Creek can do this?” he said barely able to contain his laughter.
“But how?” ventured the little black cormorant to the magnificent big bird.
“It’s called hypnosis. The dolphins know the art of hypnosis. I’ve tried it on the humans but it doesn’t work. Just watch, maybe I might be lucky this time” and with that said she fixed her yellow-rimmed black-eyed gaze on me as my turn came to reach to head of the queue.

Momentarily I felt compelled to give her my fish but the power of the dolphins was too great. As I waded knee-deep into the water to give Mystique her breakfast I heard the youngest pelican ask “What makes dolphins so special? Why didn’t the humans give us a fish Mum?”

With no fish being offered the three magnificent pelicans and one little black cormorant waddled into the water, floated and then gracefully glided down stream, still puzzled by the antics on the shore.

    1) Mystique the dolphin being fed right next to me

2) Pelicans and one little black cormorant look on with envy

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